New Orleans, LA – In a shocking turn of events following the Kansas City Chiefs’ crushing defeat against the Philadelphia Eagles at Super Bowl LIX, Taylor Swift has reportedly voiced her opinions on the team’s performance, igniting a firestorm of debate among fans and critics alike.135 Swift, who attended the game to support her boyfriend, Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, allegedly suggested that her presence might have inadvertently contributed to the team’s loss.
According to sources close to the pop star, Swift expressed concerns that the excessive media attention on her during the NFL season may have become a distraction for the team. “Taylor is incredibly supportive of Travis and the Chiefs, but she’s also aware of the impact her presence has,” an anonymous source revealed. “She’s worried that the constant focus on her relationship with Travis took away from the team’s focus on the game”.
Adding fuel to the fire, rumors are circulating that Swift was booed when she appeared on the stadium’s Jumbotron, possibly indicating a growing resentment among some football fans. A video clip shared on X (formerly Twitter) captured Swift’s seemingly uncomfortable reaction to the boos, further intensifying the controversy.
Adding to the intrigue, former President Donald Trump weighed in on the situation, mocking Swift and crediting his “Make America Great Again” supporters for the boos1. “The only one that had a tougher night than the Kansas City Chiefs was Taylor Swift. She got BOOED out of the stadium. MAGA is very unforgiving!” Trump posted on his Truth Social platform.
The Chiefs’ loss has led to widespread speculation about the team’s future, with some suggesting that key players like Travis Kelce may be considering retirement. The added layer of Swift’s alleged comments has turned the situation into a full-blown media frenzy, with fans and analysts dissecting every aspect of the game and the surrounding drama.
Social media is exploding with reactions, with #Swift curse and #Chiefs lose trending worldwide. Some fans are criticizing Swift for seemingly blaming herself, while others defend her, arguing that the media’s obsession with her is the real issue. The controversy has also reignited discussions about the intersection of sports, celebrity culture, and politics.
Iп a shockiпg legal move, Tesla CEO Eloп Mυsk has filed a $70 millioп defamatioп lawsυit agaiпst The View co-host Joy Behar aпd the show’s prodυcers. Mυsk, kпowп for his oυtspokeп views oп everythiпg from space exploratioп to artificial iпtelligeпce, is пow targetiпg the popυlar talk show for what he claims are “false aпd damagiпg” statemeпts made aboυt him oп air.
The lawsυit, filed iп a Califorпia coυrt oп Friday, accυses Behar aпd The View of spreadiпg misleadiпg iпformatioп aboυt Mυsk that has allegedly caυsed him sigпificaпt harm iп both his professioпal aпd persoпal life. Mυsk’s legal team has asserted that the show made several υпfoυпded aпd defamatory remarks aboυt the billioпaire, which Mυsk says are completely false.
The Allegatioпs Agaiпst Mυsk
The statemeпts iп qυestioп reportedly stem from a receпt segmeпt oп The View, dυriпg which Joy Behar aпd the other hosts discυssed Mυsk’s bυsiпess practices, his political views, aпd his persoпal life. Accordiпg to the lawsυit, Behar aпd her co-hosts made sweepiпg geпeralizatioпs aboυt Mυsk’s behavior aпd iпteпtioпs, implyiпg that he was iпvolved iп υпethical bυsiпess dealiпgs aпd had υlterior motives behiпd his veпtυres.
Mυsk’s legal team has called these commeпts “false, defamatory, aпd reckless,” argυiпg that they portray the billioпaire iп a way that υпdermiпes his repυtatioп aпd bυsiпess eпdeavors. “These statemeпts are oυtright lies aпd have пo basis iп fact,” Mυsk said iп a statemeпt released aloпgside the lawsυit. “I’ve had eпoυgh of these baseless attacks oп my character. The media пeeds to be held accoυпtable wheп they spread lies.”
Mυsk’s Legal Actioп
Iп the lawsυit, Mυsk is seekiпg $70 millioп iп damages, a sυm he claims is пecessary to compeпsate for the harm caυsed to his repυtatioп aпd the fiпaпcial losses iпcυrred by his compaпies as a resυlt of the false accυsatioпs. Mυsk is also demaпdiпg a pυblic apology from Behar aпd The View, as well as a retractioп of the statemeпts made oп air.
Mυsk’s legal team argυes that Behar aпd The View kпowiпgly broadcast defamatory coпteпt aboυt him, despite the fact that they were aware the claims were υпtrυe. The lawsυit cites specific momeпts from the show where Mυsk’s actioпs were mischaracterized, iпclυdiпg allegatioпs aboυt his bυsiпess dealiпgs at Tesla aпd SpaceX, as well as his coпtroversial statemeпts oп social media.
The Impact oп Mυsk’s Repυtatioп
Eloп Mυsk’s repυtatioп has ofteп beeп the sυbject of pυblic scrυtiпy, giveп his larger-thaп-life persoпa aпd provocative statemeпts. However, Mυsk’s sυpporters argυe that his actioпs, while sometimes coпtroversial, have beeп coпsisteпt with his goals of pυshiпg iппovatioп aпd disrυptiпg established iпdυstries. Mυsk has also faced repeated attacks from the media, with critics ofteп qυestioпiпg his behavior aпd decisioпs as a bυsiпess leader.
Iп the lawsυit, Mυsk’s team claims that the commeпts made by Behar aпd the The View hosts have coпtribυted to a пegative пarrative that fυrther damages his pυblic image. “This is aboυt the priпciple of trυth,” Mυsk’s attorпey said. “Mr. Mυsk is a visioпary eпtrepreпeυr, aпd it’s time that people stop υпfairly attackiпg him with baseless claims.”
The View Respoпds
The View has yet to release aп official statemeпt regardiпg the lawsυit, bυt iпsiders close to the show have iпdicated that they are prepared to defeпd their coverage of Mυsk. Behar, a loпgtime co-host of The View, is kпowп for her oυtspokeп aпd sometimes coпtroversial opiпioпs. She has пot pυblicly commeпted oп the legal actioп, bυt the show’s prodυcers are reportedly coпsυltiпg with their legal team iп preparatioп for what coυld be a high-profile legal battle.
While the lawsυit is still iп its early stages, it has already geпerated sigпificaпt media atteпtioп, with Mυsk’s sυpporters aпd detractors alike weighiпg iп oп the matter. The case coυld have broad implicatioпs for media oυtlets, particυlarly iп how they haпdle defamatioп claims from high-profile figυres.
The Bigger Pictυre
Eloп Mυsk’s lawsυit agaiпst The View coυld set a precedeпt for other pυblic figυres who feel that their repυtatioпs are beiпg υпjυstly damaged by media coverage. Iп receпt years, defamatioп sυits agaiпst media oυtlets have become more commoп, with celebrities aпd pυblic figυres iпcreasiпgly takiпg legal actioп to protect their image aпd coυпteract пegative press.
For Mυsk, this lawsυit is jυst the latest iп a series of battles he’s foυght iп the pυblic eye. From dispυtes with goverпmeпt regυlators to his coпtroversial statemeпts oп Twitter, Mυsk has пever beeп shy aboυt fightiпg back wheп he feels attacked. This case, however, coυld prove to be oпe of the most high-profile legal challeпges he’s faced, giveп the пatioпal platform of The View aпd the celebrity statυs of its hosts.
A Clash of Titaпs
As Mυsk takes legal actioп agaiпst Behar aпd The View, maпy are woпderiпg what impact this will have oп the oпgoiпg discoυrse aroυпd media respoпsibility aпd celebrity accoυпtability. Will Mυsk’s lawsυit be a wake-υp call to the media, or will it oпly fυrther fυel the fire of pυblic debate? Oпe thiпg is certaiп: this is a case that is boυпd to keep the pυblic talkiпg.
For пow, Mυsk’s legal team is focυsed oп pυshiпg forward with the case, coпfideпt that they caп prove their claims aпd secυre a favorable oυtcome for their clieпt. As the legal proceediпgs υпfold, all eyes will be oп this explosive showdowп betweeп oпe of the world’s most iпflυeпtial figυres aпd oпe of the пatioп’s most iпflυeпtial talk shows.
It’s easy to believe that models, with their picture-perfect images, have it all. But behind the glitz and glamour often lies a journey of self-discovery, body transformation, and, most importantly, self-love. Today, a growing number of models are using their platforms not just to showcase their stunning appearances but also to share
the more raw, real, and personal narratives of their bodies’ evolution. Their stories are more than just inspiring—they’re a testament to redefining beauty standards and promoting authentic body positivity.
This movement has seen models boldly presenting their before-and-after transformations in a manner that’s far removed from the traditional “weight-loss” or “fitness journey” rhetoric. Instead, these images and stories are centered around acceptance, health, and self-respect. They encourage us to celebrate our bodies at every stage, embrace imperfections, and recognize that true beauty comes from how we view ourselves, not how others perceive us. Each post, each image, and each word aims to shift the focus away from external validation and towards internal contentment.
Let’s take a closer look at some of the prominent figures in this space who are using their experiences to inspire thousands around the world.
In a world where youth is often equated with beauty, one woman defies ageist stereotypes and embraces her timeless allure. Meet Jane Doe, a vibrant 65-year-old who exudes confidence, grace, and undeniable sex appeal. Her story is a testament to the power of self-love and the importance of challenging societal norms about aging.
It is my pleasure to present to you my exclusive photo album, a collection of curated moments that are both personal and artistic. Each photograph has been thoughtfully selected to showcase unique perspectives and stories that I hope will captivate and inspire you.
I invite you to view the collection and share your feedback. Please leave your comments on my blog, rate the album from 1 to 10, and let me know which photo resonates with you the most. Your insights are invaluable to me and will help me refine my future endeavors.
Thank you for your time and support. I hope you enjoy this collection as much as I enjoyed creating it.
02. I don’t wear boring bikinis. 🩱
Figure 02
03. Not just beauty, I’ve got the brains too. 🧠
Figure 03
04. Maybe a villain, but one with a nice sexy body. 😉
Figure 04
05. Crazy about me? Join the club. 😜
Figure 05
06. Bikinis are like fries, can’t have just one. 👙
Figure 06
07. Fire post coming through, make way! 🔥
Figure 07
08. I’m THE bad bitch. 💅
Figure 08
09. If life is a movie, then I’m the sexy imagination that makes it interesting. 🎬
Figure 09
10. I’m not just a good ass, I’m a million kinda girl. 💃
Anti-Aging Tips to Make You Look 10 Years Younger
1. Frame Your Face
Eyebrows play a big role in making you look younger. Keep your eyebrows trimmed and shaped. This helps frame your face and draws attention to your eyes.
2. Decrease Sugar Intake
Or if you can, cut it out altogether! Sugar is an inflammatory food that will show aging effects on your face. Not only that, but it can inflame your brain, making concentration and memory more difficult and challenging.
If cutting out sugar feels too daunting, I recommend substituting it with monk fruit sweetener and eating sweet fruits. This will satisfy the sweet craving and help you move into a healthier habit!
3. Get Enough Sleep
Make this a priority. Sleep changes everything and is a critical part of slowing the aging process! Many women try to use the late-night hours to finish their to-do lists or get alone time. I understand completely. But your body needs adequate rest, as this is the time when cells regenerate and any inflammation in your body drops. If you keep your adrenaline going long after your body wants to rest, you will continue to produce stress hormones, instead of allowing your body to wind down.
Start small. Start going to bed 15 minutes earlier for one week, and then add another 15 minutes the next week. Make a point to reduce screen time beforehand so your brain can start to produce melatonin, which will help you fall and stay asleep faster.
With more sleep, you’ll feel and look more energetic and happy.
4. Avoid Harsh Chemicals
This includes pesticides and industrial solvents such as paints and varnishes. Even household cleaners contain harsh chemicals that can overtax your system. When the body tries to process these chemicals from the environment, it can cause chronic inflammation which wears down the cells.
Switching to more natural-based products will immediately relieve your body’s detoxification system and slow down the aging process. This applies everywhere in your life from gardening and household work to your hair and skin care routines.
5. Eat More Grapes
Yes, I said grapes! Sorbitol, which gives grapes, berries, plums, and pears their sweetness, is a humectant, a substance that attracts water when applied to the skin, helping it absorb and retain moisture. It’s a natural treatment for dry skin and can be helpful regardless of your skin tone.
Fueling your body with natural sources of moisture is especially effective when combined with using appropriate creams and lotions.
6. Care For Your Face
I am meticulous about my skin care routine, especially on my face. Otherwise, it’s the first place to show signs of aging. If you’re brand new to the world of skincare, these products are essential:
Apply retinol (Vitamin A) moisturizer, such as Wrinkle Recovery Serum
Use a high-quality Neck Restoring Cream for skin tightening
Be vigilant about using natural sunscreen, and avoid being outside during the time of day when the sun is most direct.
7. Switch Out Facial Products
Ditch the harsh soaps and cleansers and switch them with gentler ones. Also, skip any toners that contain alcohol as these will dry out your skin and increase the appearance of fine lines. Remember to moisturize day and night – it’s well worth the few moments it takes to apply a moisturizer twice a day.
If you would like to know more about the skin care products I personally use, then I’m thrilled to share with you my anti-aging product line.
These products are essential in my personal skin-health regimen, and I use them every day. I am so excited to help you simplify your skincare routine and get powerful results from the most essential ingredients your skin needs.
8. Care for Your Hair
When you were younger you might have had thick hair, but part of the aging process is thinning hair, so consider styles and products that add volume to the hair . Also, use deep conditioners on a regular basis to nourish and stimulate resulting in more healthy hair.
You’ve got some great options for a youthful appearance based on the right haircut. I particularly love the way short hair looks on women over 60.
What about color? You can have a lot of fun with your hair color. I put together a list of the best hair colors for women over 60 – it goes beyond the sandy blonde we see so much of!
Want to keep your natural gray? You can wear grey hair without looking old!
9. Smile Often & Care for Your Teeth
Smiling instantly makes you look more youthful. Healthy, white teeth are attractive and can boost your inner confidence.
But what if you’re not proud of your teeth?
Neglected teeth can lead to gum disease and gingivitis, not to mention they have a significant negative impact on your confidence. What can you do when you’re afraid to show your smile?
Start small and whiten your teeth. It’s very affordable and easy to whiten your teeth from home. While other dental procedures to improve your smile vary in cost, they are worth it. Talk to your dentist about what would be a good starting place and go from there.
10. Take Care of Your Hands
The back of your hands have very gentle skin, so it’s important to show them some TLC. The back of your hands will show signs of aging due to sun exposure and overall use!
Use hand cream regularly and exfoliate your hands with lemon and salt. And don’t forget to apply sunscreen when you go outdoors!
11. Load Up on Vitamin K & Lycopene
We can’t forget about nutrition! Vitamin K is found in kale and other green vegetables such as spinach, collards, Swiss chard, parsley, lettuce, and Brussels sprouts. Vitamin K helps your blood coagulate, reducing the impact of bruising and stretch marks while potentially creating younger looking skin.
Lycopene can be found in tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables (but not cherries and strawberries, interestingly). It gives the skin powerful antioxidant protection against UV rays with some research showing that it can reduce the future impact of sun damage.
12. Eat Oily Fish
Wild Alaskan Salmon is a great example of an oily fish, which is rich in DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol), a compound that boosts muscle tone and is a common ingredient in expensive creams for mature skin. Eating oily fish twice a week offers the same benefits. Not to mention, oily fish is incredible for brain health!
13. Exercise 4+ Times a Week
You’ll fend off muscle loss and sleep better when you exercise at least four days a week. Combine cardiovascular exercise for heart and lungs, resistance exercise for muscles, stretching for flexibility, and balance exercise for coordination.
Weight training is an incredible option for bone health and will fight against osteoporosis, all while making you feel strong and confident as you increase muscle tone.
14. Play with Makeup
Makeup will allow you to highlight your best feature-your eyes! You’ll want to avoid glittery or shiny eyeshadows, which can accentuate the fine lines around your beautiful eyes. Opt for creamy textures or go with matte altogether.
But your eyes aren’t the only place to show a little love. I have a whole collection of makeup videos for mature skin to help you choose the best foundation and create a glowy look.
15. Dressing Your Truth
Instead of looking for quick fixes on the outside, why not start from the inside? My Dressing Your Truth system guides you through the process of determining which of the 4 Energy Types you are, and then fully owning it so you can live it!
When you’re Dressing Your Truth, you radiate youthful energy from the inside out. You don’t need to look or feel like an older woman.
In my opinion, this may be the most important tip! The key to looking 10 years younger is dressing your truth. You’ll discover how wearing the correct colors, textures, fabrications, and accessories will make you look and feel better than ever.
Sara, a Rich and Dynamic Type 3 woman shares:
“About 8 years ago, 48 years old, pre-silver transition. I have done a lot of healing over the past 2 years and got the outside looking like the inside. I’m forever grateful to Carol and her team. I feel different! A great feeling.”
When you’re Dressing Your Truth, the change is noticeable from head to toe. People will notice you look happier, feel more confident, and appear younger.
Every day, the female body is exposed to more and more judgment from society. Social media feeds are full of unrealistic photos that can really make someone feel uncomfortable in their own skin. For women with postpartum bodies, this topic can be the most sensitive. To support others, this proud mother decided to stop hiding behind filters or pieces of clothing and embrace the flaws that truly make us special.
Most mothers aren’t prepared for the challenges that come after childbirth.
Danisha, a mom of 4, recently started sharing her journey about accepting her body on social media. At first, she was really ashamed and constantly tried to hide her postpartum belly, but with her last baby, she wanted a change.
“I didn’t know that I would have as much loose skin as I do now, and stretch marks. No one ever discussed it, my doctors didn’t discuss it,” the mother explained. “I didn’t know that my body just wouldn’t look the same anymore. But I want to embrace my body, and I’m happy where I’m at.”
Danisha believes a woman’s body creates miracles.
Seeing tons of celebrities and models posing with their pregnant bellies can give us the wrong image. They can make us believe that perfection can exist and that something might be wrong with our own bodies, even lowering our confidence to the point that we forget to love ourselves.
In one of her Instagram posts, she pointed out to other moms that they are loved, saying, “Don’t let society trick you into believing you need to be ’fixed.’ Your body is not wrong, society is!”
Society expects a different image of the female postpartum body.
Women are expected to quickly bounce back to their pre-pregnancy bodies. For many mothers, this can feel like they’re strangers in their own their skin. Fighting against your body means losing the battle in the end, but knowing how to accept it and start loving yourself from all angles is a different type of pure love that can only occur if the mother is 100% ready to do it.
The brutal honesty behind Danisha’s posts makes her even prouder of who she is. “Our body is meant to evolve and change, that is what happens with growth, not everyone’s body will change the same and that’s okay,” she admitted. “My wonderful body carried 4 beautiful blessings, my belly is a reminder of that and signifies growth. It has taken me a long time to accept her, love her, and appreciate her.”
Despite the negative comments that come from everywhere, knowing how to keep your positivity is one of the hardest jobs that people face when they show themselves at their most vulnerable online.
“I have a pouch, I have soft stretchy loose skin. My physical features are not what makes it beautiful, but the fact that my body was able to create life itself for a fourth time. I’m strong as a mother.”
Danisha doesn’t let the negative comments stop her. Showing the raw reality behind a mom’s body is a huge help for other mothers out there as well. “A lot of mamas are unprepared for postpartum.”
It’s a privilege to watch our bodies change as we grow older.
Sometimes, despite all our efforts and hard work to keep our bodies in shape, genetics can get involved and create a different person in the mirror. She explained, “I love it when people tell me that if I had moisturized my skin more then my belly wouldn’t have looked ’this way’ or if I wore a waist trainer I wouldn’t have a pouch and even greater if I dieted or exercised more, then my belly wouldn’t be as ’big.’”
The mother of 4 continued, “The reality is genetics play a big role. My belly is this way because of 4 reasons. I created life 4 times and no oils or creams would have miraculously prevented it. My sagging skin, stretch marks, and other love marks are reminders of bearing my children.”
Every mother is special in her own way and no one deserves to be discriminated against because of their appearance.
“To the mama looking at herself in the mirror: It’s completely normal not to fit into your pre-pregnancy clothes your body outgrew in order to make room for your beautiful blessing. Sizing up is nothing to feel ashamed of,” Danisha declared.
It wasn’t easy, but Danisha started accepting her body.
Understanding how to love stretch marks and accept body changes can be one of the hardest steps that a mom can do. They are a natural response from the body.
“Many would love to have tiger stripes. You can also have them without having children. My tummy was home to 4 of my children, and they love it,” she said.
Beauty comes from both inside and outside.
Regardless of what we look like on the outside, whether we differ in skin color or weight, all people are special in their own way, and our bodies do an amazing job at keeping us alive. In an effort to encourage others around her, this mother points out, “Whether you choose to cover your belly or not, you’re still worthy, still beautiful.”
Demi Rose is known for her bold social media presence,
and her latest post is no exception.
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The 28-year-old influencer stunned her followers by posing
in a field wearing a flowing purple maxi skirt
that accentuated her hourglass figure.
When it comes to looking and feeling great through the seasons of life, the closest thing to a one-size-fits-all solution may be the most obvious: exercise.
When we think of healthcare, we often focus on doctor visits, preventive care, lab tests and immunizations. But there are other factors that are in our personal control, like improving our diets, reducing stress and adding fun to our lives. Exercise is one of these controllable factors, and it’s highly effective at improving health.
According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, regular exercise provides a great array of health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, reducing cholesterol and cardiovascular disease, preventing diabetes, improving mood and cognitive function, and reducing mortality. For women, those benefits expand, thanks to their combination of hormones and health risks. Here’s four ways exercise specifically benefits women.
Helps Counteract Mood Swings
From the first menstrual cycle until menopause, women live with a shifting level of estrogen and progesterone that impacts their fertility patterns as well as also their brain chemistry and moods. When estrogen levels drop, such as before and during a woman’s period or leading up to menopause, women lose a natural source of the “feel good” brain chemical called serotonin. This makes them more susceptible to moodiness, depression and anxiety attacks, such as the symptoms found in severe premenstrual syndrome or post-partum depression.
Exercise counters these hormonally-triggered mood swings by releasing endorphins, another mood regulator. Sometimes called the “runner’s high,” endorphins leave you feeling happy and relaxed after a workout.
“It’s our body’s way of substituting one natural chemical for one that is waning,” Dr. Horowitz says. “For some women, this may reduce or eliminate the need for serotonin raising medications known as anti-depressants.”
Even after menopause, when estrogen levels have permanently diminished, exercise can improve mood. One study of 60 women experiencing postmenopausal anxiety and depression found that the group of participants who exercised showed an 18 to 22%improvement in symptoms, while those who did not exercise showed no improvement.
Prevents Bone Loss and Osteoporosis
Women are far more vulnerable than men to develop osteoporosis and related bone fracture and loss of height as they age. According to the Office on Women’s Health, 8 million out of 10 million of Americans with osteoporosis are women, and half of women over age 50 who have osteoporosis will break a bone. This is largely because women have thinner bones than men and lose bone strength more rapidly as they age due to the loss of estrogen. Hip fracture, a consequence of osteoporosis, can lead to immobility and premature death.
One of the best ways to build strong bones is through exercise, preferably starting in the younger years. During the teen and young adult years is when women build most of the bone mass that can protect them from osteoporosis later in life.
Weight-bearing and muscle strengthening exercises promote bone health, no matter what your age. Tennis, hiking, aerobics or jogging build bones and keep them strong. Lifting weights, using exercise bands or simply standing up and rising to your toes, builds strength, balance and flexibility that can prevent falls. Be sure to talk to your doctor, physical therapist or exercise professional to help you determine the best and safest exercises for your age and condition.
Keeps Weight in Check
Although men and women both tend to gain weight as they age, women have special challenges. Younger women may find that the weight gain of pregnancy can linger long past delivery. Then, as middle-aged women lose estrogen in menopause, the body redistributes fat cells to the belly, which can frustrate weight loss. And because muscle burns more calories than fat, women can struggle with maintaining or losing weight as their muscle mass declines with age.
Exercise can counter these factors by helping women maintain and build lean muscle mass that makes them look and feel slimmer. Exercise also burns excess calories that would otherwise accumulate as fat. In one 20-year study of 3,500 men and women conducted by researchers at Northwestern University, all participants gained weight as they aged, but those who exercised gained substantially less weight. Women, especially, benefitted, gaining 13 pounds less, on average, than inactive women.
Improves Sleep
Getting proper sleep is instrumental in mental health. According to researchers from the University of Bern, the human brain consolidates positive emotions during dream sleep, while weakening negative and traumatic emotions.
Thankfully, exercise has an excellent track record of improving sleep. One study published in 2020 showed that exercise training improved sleep quality in sedentary middle-aged adults. Participants of the study were placed in control groups that engaged in physical activity recommendations from the World Health Organization, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), and HIIT with whole-body electromyostimulation training. All groups showed a higher total sleep time, fell asleep faster, and were less likely to wake up immediately after falling asleep.
Even with all these benefits in mind, some women may find it difficult to find time or energy to exercise regularly. Motivation must start with telling yourself, “now is the time to do something.” Just get out there and do something active. Find a friend or a trainer who motivates you to get up and get moving. It’s not about instant results but long-term change that will bring you better health and self-esteem for a lifetime.
Talk to your OB/Gyn or primary care provider about how you can easily incorporate exercise into your daily routine.
One would think the president had better things to do than post about celebrities
Donald Trump has been making fun of Taylor Swift after she was booed at the Super Bowl.
He became the first sitting president to attend a Super Bowl, and given the mixed reception of cheers and boos he seemed to get from the crowd when the cameras were on him, he’s rather throwing stones at Swift from a glass house here.
Swift’s boyfriend is Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, whose team lost to the Philadelphia Eagles to miss out on winning the Super Bowl three times in a row.
Trump has had quite the feud with Swift and once posted ‘I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT’ after she said she would be voting against him at the recent US election.
The stadium was full of Eagles fans, and since Swift is dating a Chiefs player you can guess what reception she got (Jamie Squire/Getty Images)
She didn’t criticise him in her post last year saying she’d be voting for Kamala Harris, instead writing that she was voting ‘for the rights and causes I believe need a warrior to champion them’.
In the aftermath of the Super Bowl, it seems that Trump decided the best use of his presidential time was to share posts on Truth Social comparing the crowd reactions they got.
He posted a video of himself getting some cheers alongside a video of Swift being loudly booed, then shared someone else’s post that said: “Trump gets massive cheers at the Super Bowl while Taylor Swift gets booed.
“The world is healing!”
Not content to just do that, Trump then went back in for another dig at the singer on his own social media platform, but not before declaring that he didn’t want the US to make any more pennies.
On the subject of currency, he wrote: “For far too long the United States has minted pennies which literally cost us more than 2 cents. This is so wasteful! I have instructed my Secretary of the US Treasury to stop producing new pennies. Let’s rip the waste out of our great nations budget, even if it’s a penny at a time.”
Two hours later he returned to the subject of Swift, posting: “The only one that had a tougher night than the Kansas City Chiefs was Taylor Swift. She got BOOED out of the Stadium. MAGA is very unforgiving!”
Trump didn’t stick around to watch the end of the game, leaving shortly after halftime and a show in which people think Kendrick Lamar took a chance to make fun of the president.
Samuel L. Jackson dressed as American mascot Uncle Sam welcomed Kendrick onto the stage to perform ‘Not Like Us’, while Jackson then told the rapper ‘he’s too ghetto’ and then shouting ‘Yes! America wants slow chill music’ when he changed songs.
When it comes to the Super Bowl, the national anthem is always one of the most powerful and unforgettable moments – a tradition that’s etched into our memories year after year.
For Super Bowl LIX, the legendary jazz maestro from New Orleans, Jon Batiste, was entrusted with this iconic honor.
And the reactions? They came fast and strong…
Too far from tradition?
Super Bowl LIX saw an unforgettable National Anthem performance by Jon Batiste, the 38-year-old jazz star from New Orleans. As fans flooded social media with their reactions, one thing became clear: opinions were divided. Some were moved to tears, while others felt it missed the mark.
Batiste, seated at a colorful piano, brought a distinct New Orleans jazz flavor to the anthem — a bold and soulful twist on a familiar song. His passionate performance left some of the NFL players in the stands visibly emotional.
But for fans, especially those on X (formerly Twitter), it sparked heated debate: Was it a masterpiece, or did it stray too far from tradition?
Looking back at Super Bowl performances, a few renditions are often hailed as the gold standard. Whitney Houston’s 1991 performance still holds a special place in many hearts. Lady Gaga’s powerful 2016 rendition also stands out, as does Chris Stapleton’s tear-jerking performance last year.
Even Travis Kelce, the three-time Super Bowl champ, recently said that Stapleton’s rendition remains unmatched in his eyes.
But with Batiste’s take on the anthem, it feels like a new era. While some fans celebrated his unique twist on the anthem, others preferred the traditional, straightforward approach. And for every fan who felt moved, there were others who questioned if jazz was the right way to go for such a high-stakes moment.
The Brooches Jon Batiste wore
Batiste also made a bold fashion statement with not one, but two Tiffany Bird on a Rock brooches. These stunning pieces, a symbol of luxury and elegance, are among the most recognizable in the jewelry world, thanks to their iconic design by Jean Schlumberger for Tiffany & Co. in 1965.
The brooches themselves are a masterpiece — featuring a bird set with a white diamond and perched on a cabochon rock, the perfect blend of sophistication and sparkle.
While the original design was created for Bunny Mellon, a close friend of Schlumberger, the pieces have since been worn by A-listers like Lady Gaga, Odell Beckham, and Jeremy Allen White, cementing their status as a timeless jewelry icon.
Batiste’s choice of brooches didn’t just add to his stylish ensemble; it made a statement. The combination of the citrine and diamond elements made for a striking contrast that perfectly matched his performance at the Super Bowl. And with Tiffany & Co.’s longstanding association with the NFL—designing the Vince Lombardi trophy since 1966 — it’s clear that Batiste’s jewelry choice was more than just a nod to luxury. It was a part of a legacy, according to Town and country magazine.
While we may never know for sure whether the jewelry had any connection to the game (could he have been subtly rooting for the Chiefs or Eagles?), it was undeniably a bold move that had everyone talking. A fashion moment to remember—and certainly one for the jewelry books.
So, what’s your take? Did Jon Batiste deliver a performance for the ages, or does it fall short of the unforgettable renditions we’ve come to expect at the Super Bowl? Watch him sing below and share your thoughts below and join the debate!
She commands a fan base numbering in the tens of millions, has been one of the most famous women on the planet over the past two years, and has a reputation unblemished by scandal or defamation. Yet even Taylor Swift can find herself the subject of an en masse booing, apparently.
During last night’s Super Bowl LIX, featuring the Philadelphia Eagles and the Kansas City Chiefs, the superstar songstress seemed to be minding her own business when she became a target for the crowd. Swift – at Caesars Superdome, New Orleans to support boyfriend Travis Kelce of the Chiefs – looked to mouth “What is going on?” to friend and fellow artist Ice Spice.
The unexpected booing began when the camera panned to Swift in her box, subsequently beaming her image on the big screen before the 75,000 strong crowd.
Needless to say, Swift was as taken aback as anyone, and the negative reaction has posed the question: just why did it happen in the first place?
Well, as is always the case these days, it wasn’t long before the incident was being debated on social media. Moreover, no sooner had the video of Swift being booed hit the internet, than did fans on X attempt to decipher exactly what was going on.
“Eagles fans are booing her. She’s originally from Philly area but obviously rooting for Travis and chiefs,” one person wrote.
Another added: “The booos are from eagles fans aka the opposite team she supports this is normal.”
It’s the Eagles fans,” a third said.
There were naturally still those who were bemused by the turn of events, with many people taking to X to share their reactions.
“Why did she get booed?” one person asked. “I thought she was the sweetheart of America?“
“Booing taylor swift as if she’s playing on the field against ‘your’ team, even though she’s just sitting there looking pretty, is loser behavior,” said another.
“What I don’t understand is why people booed at Taylor Swift? Like she was doing literally nothing and she’s just there to show support to Travis Kelce and see the game, it’s not like they’re going to make a Gabriella-Troy scene in High School Musical 3,” a third wrote.
One person who wasn’t on the receiving end of any ire was Donald Trump, who reportedly became the first sitting president in US history to attend a Super Bowl.
When the camera panned to the POTUS – who only took his oath of office three weeks ago – cheers rang out around the stadium. “I thought it would be a good thing for the country to have the president at the game,” Trump had said in an interview.
In the game itself, the Eagles emerged triumphant over the Chiefs in a 40-22 victory, stopping the Chiefs from repeating the success they enjoyed last year.
Did you watch last night’s Super Bowl? What did you think to the crowd booing Taylor Swift? Let us know in the comments.
The Philadelphia Eagles crushed the Kansas City Chiefs’ dreams of making history on Sunday in Super Bowl LIX.
Superstar Travis Kelce had a quiet night – and his girlfriend, pop icon Taylor Swift, was booed when she appeared on the big screen.
Now, her sincere five-word reaction has been revealed.
Shifted allegiance
Taylor Swift was born in West Reading, Pennsylvania, and a few years ago, she was spotted wearing a Philadelphia Eagles sweatshirt while strolling through New York City. However, she naturally shifted allegiance to the Kansas City Chiefs when she started dating superstar Travis Kelce.
Since the couple went public, Swift has attended numerous Chiefs games, and she was there on Sunday to support her boyfriend as the Chiefs aimed to make NFL history.
The Chiefs had hopes of becoming the NFL’s first-ever “three-peat” Super Bowl champions, but they were humiliated by the Eagles in a 40-22 blowout at Caesars Superdome in New Orleans.
Harsh backlash
Travis Kelce had a quiet game, managing just 39 yards on four catches. At halftime, the Eagles led 24-0, and Kelce had yet to make a single reception. As if that wasn’t bad enough for the Chiefs and Kelce, Taylor Swift found herself in the middle of a harsh backlash as well.
The pro-Eagles crowd in New Orleans didn’t seem to have forgotten Swift’s past support for the Eagles before switching to the Chiefs. When the superstar singer appeared on the big screen, fans greeted her with loud boos. As cameras zoomed in on her, many on social media speculated that she gave those around her a five-word, sincere response:
Although many believe the boos stemmed from Swift’s shift in team loyalty, Donald Trump had a different take, praising “MAGA” supporters for making a stance against her.
“The only one that had a tougher night than the Kansas City Chiefs was Taylor Swift. She got BOOED out of the Stadium. MAGA is very unforgiving!” Trump wrote on Truth Social.
Howeer, her friend Serena Williams quickly came to her defense, sharing on X: “I love you @taylorswift13 don’t listen to those booo!!”
Heading into Super Bowl LIX, speculation swirled about the possibility of Travis Kelce proposing to Swift in case of a historical win for the Chiefs. However, after the game, Kelce was seen leaving the arena alone, with Swift nowhere in sight.