Posted by – Spnews February 24, 2025Leave a Comment
9 Sexy Yoga Poses for Beginners to Add Excitement in The Bedroom
Are you looking for Sexy Yoga Poses to add excitement in the bedroom?
Who Are These Sexy Yoga Poses For?
This post is adapted from my Online Yoga Course, and designed to help you learn how to use basic yoga poses to enhance sexual experiences, with flexibility, mobility, and body awareness!
And yes… All Yoga poses can do this!
But these ones have especially helped me to access more sexual and sensual pleasure.
And, who wouldn’t want to bring more excitement in the bedroom or spice things up a little bit?!?
From what I have seen online, most photos of sexy yoga poses are of advanced yoga practitioners doing advanced poses. Which is super sexy and beautiful to look at.
I suspect that many of these postures might be unrealistic for many bodies, and could actually turn people off of the idea of sexy yoga.
My intention with this page is to provide some accessible postures that most able bodied people can do! Maybe even in the comfort of your own bed!
You don’t need a yoga matt, just a comfy floor space. I like my shag carpet. 🙂
If you don’t have a yoga matt, not problem, try using a firm pillow or the edge of a chair to rest your head on for the forward folding pose.
Yoga has been, and will continue to be one of my favourite ways to warm up my body, get out of my head and into a sexy mood with myself or with another!
You can do these yoga postures in the order I offer them in, or you can just pick a few that feel right in your body in any moment!
1. Child’s Pose – Balasana
Just as it looks, try curling up in a ball on your knees and letting your head rest on the floor, your stacked hands, or a pillow. You can position pillows or a bolster between legs, under your seat, or under your chest.
Child’s pose helps to lengthen the back line of the body and offers a deep opening through the hips. Try bringing your breath down to your lower back, inhale to feel your hip widen, exhale to relax and let your weight down. When the pelvic floor is lengthened it allows for more control over contraction.
Sometimes I like to reach my hands between my legs and gently hold my genitals! This sexy yoga pose can be a wonderful position to calm a busy mind, or settle an activated nervous system!
2. Cat/Cow Pose – Bitilasana Marjaryasana
It’s so important to move your spine a little bit in every direction every day! Try flowing between these two postures, inhale to lift your gaze and your hips, as you belly drops towards the floor; exhale to tuck your tailbone, tuck your chin, and draw your ribs and belly button towards your spine. Try gently engaging your pelvic floor with your exhale.
The Cat/Cow pose movement and breath pattern mimics thrusting, whether you are active, passive, penetrating, surrendering, enjoying another body or your toys, this movement can help to release tension in your pelvis, awaken your genitals, and get the blood circulating to your reproductive organs.
Start slow, and see if your body wants to increase the pace, and depth of your breath. In this way, you can start a controlled access to your stimulating breath, the sympathetic branch of the nervous system is responsible for accessing orgasmic energy!
Inhale and imagine widening your hips:
Exhale and gently squeeze your pelvic floor:
3. Heart opening – Anahatasana
Doesn’t this look sexy? Ass up in the air like this? The Heart Opening pose is very similar to child’s pose, but your hips will be up above your knees rather than back towards your heels. After doing the cat/cow dynamic movement to wake up the pelvis and bring mobility into the spine, this heart opening position can bring space and open the front of your chest.
4. Butterfly – Baddha Konasana
In this hip opening position, you can bring a little movement into the stretch. Try bringing the soles of your feet together close to your body, and then try moving them further away from you till you find the right spot for you. Rock forwards and backwards in a gentle movement, and see if you can find some pleasure in this.
Keeping your spine long, gently lean forwards till you feel the lengthening in your back body, and in your hips, but try not to dump all your weight forward, this can cause unnecessary strain on your low back. This is why I like to rest my head on a bolster, so I can really relax into it.
5. Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend – Upavistha Konasana
Similar to the butterfly position, but with wide legs to stretch the inside and the backs of your legs, as well as to release the groin muscles. Start carefully, and slowly increase the space between your legs. It can be helpful to sit on a small blanket, or put pillows under your knees. I like to use my bolster to lean on, in this way it helps to calm my mind 🙂
6. Happy Baby – Ananda Balasana
This posture brings me so much joy! This posture will brings space to hips and hopefully a smile to you (and your partner’s) face. Laying on your back with your knees drawn towards your chest, allow your knees to drop to the sides of your body as you reach for your feet.
Your hands might rest on your knees or your ankles, and this is great too! Bring in some playful movement, try rocking side to side, just for the fun of it!
7. Deep Wide Knee Squat – Malasana
Squatting can be a wonderful massage for your digestive and reproductive organs. It supports the downward flow of energy in the body for stimulating elimination and menstruation.
This pose stretches your ankles, groin and back, tones the whole body including the neck, arms, chest, tummy, hips, thighs and legs, and helps to facilitate good pelvic floor health! Keep your hands on the floor or put a little blanket under your heels if you’re finding it hard to stay balanced. I like to squat naked in the garden, in the shower, and beside the bed 😉
8. Supine Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)
After doing postures to open the hips and lengthen the inner leg line, I find this lazy twist to be a delicious counter movement. Please be careful of any deep twist if you experience disk pain in your lower back.
To really be lazy in this, I like to draw my knees into my chest, keeping them together, and then allow them to rest to one side. For a little deeper stretch, you can place your opposite hand on the top leg, widen your other arm out to the side and look in the opposite directions of your knees. I love to do this stretch first thing in the morning and after a good pleasure session!
9. Savasana Variation Bent Legs
Taking time to chill out is such an important part of accessing arousal. When we are busy, moving quickly, caring for others, or feeling the stress of the day, it can sometimes be hard to find inspiration for sexual pleasure.
Taking even just 5 minutes in this bent knee variation of a resting post can help to release the psoas. When the psoas is soft and supple, it invites in the parasympathetic nervous system response, rest, digest, repair. Because blood becomes available for digestion, reproduction, and creativity, I also suggest that this posture helps access arousal!
Orgasmic energy is a product of the sympathetic branch of the nervous system. Using the spinal waves (cat/cow) with a pelvic floor pump, combining it with a slightly faster and bigger, stimulating breath could be a wonderful way to proceed after this relaxation posture.